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In Praise Of Slowness

If there were a contest for most popular virtue, I suspect that “fast” would beat “best.” Many parts of the world seem to be obsessed with speed. The “fast” craze, however, is getting us nowhere—fast.

Getting Better

A popular song from the 1960s was titled “Getting Better.” In it, the singer considers his young life and happily declares that he sees things “getting better all the time.” It is a song of optimism but, unfortunately, without any real basis for that hope.

Perhaps Today

A year ago, I read an article saying that millions of TV sets in the United States would stop working today unless they were able to receive digital signals. Notices appeared in electronics stores, and the government even offered a free $40 coupon toward the purchase of a converter box.

Waiting For Joy

A large part of life centers around anticipation. How much we would lose if we were to wake up one day to the unexpected announcement: “Christmas in 10 minutes!” The enjoyment in many of life’s events is built on the fact that we have time to anticipate them.

“This Is It!”

Have you ever had a time when you thought the Lord was coming back right then? Many believers in Jesus are so eager to “meet the Lord in the air,” as Scripture puts it (1 Thessalonians 4:17), that they have felt “This is it!” at one time or another.

Fire Mountain

Rising 2,900 meters (9,600 ft.) above the rainforest in Indonesia’s southern Java, Mount Merapi (the Fire Mountain) is one of the world’s most dangerous volcanoes.

Warning And Response

When a dangerous blizzard hit Colorado Springs in late October 2006, residents had plenty of warning. Weather forecasters began predicting the storm 36 hours before it arrived. On a warm, sunny afternoon people swarmed into grocery stores to buy supplies, while tire shops worked overtime to meet the demand for winter treads. Everyone was talking about the coming storm. Even before the snow began, schools and businesses announced they would be closed for the day. When the storm hit with blowing snow and freezing temperatures, most people were safe at home, not trying to get to work or school.

More Than We Imagine

For decades, astronomical artists have painted scenes of the universe based on a combination of scientific information and their own imaginations. But photographs from robotic space probes and the Hubble Space Telescope have redefined these artists’ view of reality. In a Los Angeles Times article, space artist Don Dixon said the first pictures of Jupiter’s moons Io and Europa “turned out to be much more exotic than anybody imagined.” Dixon now considers 70 percent of his space paintings to be “dated concepts” because reality has become more awesome than imagination.

The Heaven File

My wife Luann has a folder she calls her “heaven file.” It contains articles, obituaries, and photos, along with cards from the memorial services of family and friends. She keeps them, not as a sad reminder of people we have loved and lost, but in anticipation of our glad reunion with them in heaven.